OB Angels- saving the world, one animal at a time.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Travel Meeting II: Bay

we went to the bay... somewhere... I'm not sure where. but we went down to the rocks and put our feet in the water. it was fun. also, we found a crutch!

fun stuff. Here is Woster... he was too ugly for the internet. kidding, he is just not allowed to have his face on the internet... I think I said that already. He looks like he's going for a portrait sitting... :/ Us, except me, cuz I took the picture. yeah. Woster is covering his face.

Silly Woster.

Ben wasn't there... here's Sara.

it's a pretty good pic of her.

And Sierra... going "FOOOM" Sierra: oh, I look stupid... I look stupid.

and now... the best part... HOBIE! WHO IS A BOAT! AN ESPECIALLY PRETTY ONE!

so, yeah.

stay tuned.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Travel Meeting-- Liberty Station

Dana, Sierra too:
So, we had a travel meeting (A travel meting is where we ride our bikes somewhere and have a meeting) we Biked over to Liberty Station, which is very pretty, and ate lunch. And had a meeting. Attendance: Sierra, me, Madi, Woster (walker), Ben. Sara was rollerskating w/ Summer. We had fun. We ate lunch by a pretty fountain, which was deserted, and waded. Even though we weren't supposed to. The water was cold. And we made little paper boats and floated them around. We had a meeting, too, but it was hard to hold when we were having such fun.
pictures be below.
I took the picture. So I wasn't in the picture. From left: Madi, Ben, Sierra, Woster/Walker.

Sierra. Her tongue is sticking out.
Madi. and my thumb. whoops. and Ben. double whoops.
Ben in his own shot. With some cheese. And Woster/Walker on the phone. That's al we will post of Woster, because he is not allowed to have his face on the internet... we maybe are pushing it. but whatever.
Me. god. I always have horrible pictures. Whatever. lol, I look so grumpy. I was fighting a smile.
Sierra. running. We were chasing each other around the fountain. it was fun.

Me and Sierra playing in the water.

more of us running around the fountain.

From left: Sierra, Woster, Ben, Madi. ^

Saturday, March 14, 2009


I got the camera. it is mineeee. it belongs to me. I lub it.
okay, pics now.
the clubhouse, post-splatter paint:
and a close-up:
Andy Warhol ain't got nothin' on us.

the merchandise.
watermelon rock. I did this one!
Lizard rock and peace rock. Of course, there are a lot more, but it is too boring to upload them all.
Rearview-mirror hangers. Sierra and I made these. There are more, again, but I don't feel like uploading them all.
Capsters. these things are SO versatile, I might just like, die. you can do ANYTHING-- ANYTHING-- with these.

more-- these have items. but you can't really see them.

Okay, I think that's all. but there will definitely be more tomorrow, because we are having a meeting then.
bye, stay tuned for meeting update!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Painting the clubhouse! yay!

we finally painted the clubhouse. it is white (boring, I know) but we had to get some protection from the ongoing rain. Tomorrow we are going to fingerpaint the inside. Madi L. helped us, she is down for the weekend. say hi, Madi... hi
She typed that.
kay, bye.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Lemonade sale, which I was not at, so I will not have that much to say.

Sara and Madi and Walker had a lemonade sale today. From what I heard, it went really well. Sierra and I were at girl scout camp and couldn't make it until they had just run out of lemonade. I think they made, like, 30 something dollars? our goal was once 47 dollars for a lemonade sale. We advertised ruthlessly and eventually got around 50 dollars. Keep in mind that we are selling cups for 50 cents each... pretty awesome salespeople.
await news from Sara, I'm sure she wants to talk about it.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Recent Events

Sara and Madi-
Hi. Madi and I have finally picked up our donation boxes. We have $4.30! The donation box is still at your mama's mug. Madi and I are hosting a lemonade stand on Feb. 1. 09. It will be on the corner of Seaside st and Greene st. Please stop by if your in neighborhood! Thanks!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Pushing our campaign

or, you could put your money in OUR box, because our box is awesomerific...